Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Le Fin of an Era

Now I know most of you probably thing I'm gonna focus on the end of the Willie Randolph Era, but in fact, I'm pretty damn excited about French President Nicholas Sarkozy's decision today to have France rejoin NATO Command. This is a MASSIVE step for an alliance that has an integral part in peacekeeping operations all over the world, and it's sure nice to have a strong European military take part in the operations. France, for all its snobbishness in the past, looks willing (or at least the President does) to engage the US on a number of important multilateral issues while simultaneously compromising between the EU and the US sides. I expect to see Sarkozy demand soon enough a European Union command within NATO to help coordinate EU activities. This should not, for now, be seen as a move to "check" the United States, but rather as a serious manuever to make the EU function well. They sucked tremendously in their African deployments and this could be a great step to both merge the alliance tighter while simultaneously alleviating the stresses that the US military holds from 2 Wars in the Middle East. Merci!

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